
The Tecnoambiente environmental consulting team, supported by the test laboratory, is trained and has the necessary experience to address any study related to the production and management of waste, whether of urban or industrial origin and of a dangerous or non-hazardous nature.

Waste Characterization Services through Manual Sorting

The characterization of waste by manual sorting consists of separating the different fractions that compose it to determine the nature of each fraction, in what percentage it is found, which can be valorized, and so on.

This type of study provides objective knowledge and data on that waste. Its results allow us to define the monetary return to entities according to the degree of separation at source, to carry out quality controls, to evaluate the performance of separation equipment, to orient the campaigns to increase sensitivity, define action plans and even predict the need for large infrastructures depending on the fractions managed in large urban areas. The knowledge of the fractions that make up a specific type of waste is a very important indicator of the degree of awareness of the population regarding recycling.

Residues that are characterized by manual triage are the following ones:

  • All separate waste collection fractions (organic, light packaging, paper-board, glass, etc.)
  • Bulky
  • Waste from internal processes of waste managers (material balances, equipment efficiency, set-up of facilities).
  • Rejection of waste management plants
  • Any other specific waste that can be generated and is subject of study
  • Quality control of specific materials (PET, PEAD, PEBD, mixed plastic, etc.)

Analytical Services for Waste Characterization

Tecnoambiente is a regular supplier of laboratory services for the characterization of waste to management and production companies. It is specialized in the performance of tests to define the criteria of acceptance for either managers or for admission to landfills of different categories:

  • Inert
  • Special/hazardous
  • Non-hazardous

Tecnoambiente is a test laboratory certified by ENAC in the waste field according to UNE-EN-ISO/IEC 17025: 2017, with accreditation number 479/LE1035. [Download]

Tecnoambiente is a collaborating entity in the waste sector enabled by the General Directorate of Environmental Quality and Climate Change of the Ministry of Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat of Catalunya Cert. number: 049-LA-RES.

Advice on Waste Management

A team of technicians from Tecnoambiente has specialized in consulting services related to any issues that industries might have when managing their waste. On this matter, we provide the experience of the teams of technicians working in the TRADEBE facilities, specialized in management of waste that is hazardous, radioactive, etc. Our technicians are experienced in:

  • Redesign of processes to avoid the generation of waste
  • Minimization studies
  • Study of alternatives to current management
  • Waste maps and proposals for improvemen
  • Advice on the implementation of strategies related to the circular economy
  • Analysis of costs in waste management and search for alternatives


As a complement to guarantee our commitment to quality, safety and health and the environment in our daily activities and supporting our SHEQ policy, we work in accordance with the ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015 and ISO 45001: 2018 certifications. These standards are managed in our integrated quality, health and safety and environmental management system which covers all our activities:

  • UNE-EN-ISO14001:2015. Certificate number 44 104 117217   
  • UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015. Certificate number 44 100 117217
  • UNE- EN-ISO 45001:2018. Certificate number 44 126 117217



Accredited by ENAC ISO 17020 we can carry out the work required in landfills, regulated by the Real Decreto 646/2020, of July 7th, which regulates the disposal of waste by deposit in landfill. ANNEX III. Control and surveillance procedures in the operation and subsequent maintenance phases of landfills.

Tecnoambiente is an inspection entity accredited by ENAC according to UNE-EN-ISO/IEC 17025:2017 in the field of waste, for the Characterization of waste for: 

  • Recovery/disposal operations: 
    • Admission of waste to landfill (Annex II of RD 646/2020): basic characterization and compliance testing. 
    • Use of sewage sludge in the agricultural sector. 
    • Admission of waste to treatment/valorization facilities. 
  • Classification of hazardous/non-hazardous waste. Assignment of LER code.

Accreditation number 29/EI432. [Download]

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