Sustainability & Climate Change


Tecnoambiente holds an outstanding track record in providing environmental consultancy services internationally. We work for private companies, financial institutions, not for profit organizations and public sector in sustainability and climate change related assignments. Tecnoambiente’s sustainability unit makes use of our “know-how” from 30+ years of experience as environmental consultants and the support of the owner group Tradebe to formulate adjusted solutions to our clients’ needs and quality expectations. 

This department offers consulting services related to sustainability and climate change to adapt to new challenges, regulation and market trends. More and more often, we have identified the need to align activities and strategies to the sustainable development goals (SDGs), the Paris Agreement, the EU Green Deal and generally the transition towards a low carbon economy.

  • Because of this, we offer the following sustainability and climate change services

    • Sustainability or environmental reports, non-financial reporting disclosure, etc.

      • Aligned with the EU Taxonomy Regulation and the NFDR, GRI, CDP, TCFD, SASB, etc.

    • GHG Inventories & carbon footprint calculations

      • Following the GHG Protocol or ISO 14064

    • Carbon offsetting and carbon neutrality

      • Carbon offsetting or neutrality certificates for events, products, services or companies, establishment of emission reduction objectives (Science-based Targets initiative), etc.

    • ESG analysis, reporting and risk identification

    • Ecological transition, circular economy and adaptation/mitigation to climate change plans

    • Alignment of strategies with the SDGs

      • Inclusion of SGDs into multiannual strategies, contribution metrics, reporting, etc.

    • Environmental and social impact quantification of activities or operations

      • Input-output methodologies, Social Return on Investment, etc.

    • Structuring of CSR projects and strategies to maximize positive impact

      • We guarantee the coherence of CSR plans with corporate objectives, SDGs, public policy, climate change, etc.

  • Climate and environmental risk analysis

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