Accreditations & certifications


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  • UNE-EN-ISO14001:2015. Certificate number 44 104 117217 [Download] 
  • UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015. Certificate number 44 104 117217 [Download]
  • UNE-EN-ISO 45001:2018. Certificate number 44 126 117217 [Download]

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  • Control and Sampling Entity in the sectoral area of water bodies quality control and monitoring and discharge management [EC-AIG] in the action fields EC-AIG-PMR, EC-AIG-PMF (surface, coastal and underground waters) and EC-AIG-PMM (surface, coastal and underground waters). Authorized by the General Directorate of Environmental Quality of the Ministry of Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat of Catalunya. Cert. number: 049-EC-AIG. [Download]
  • Laboratory in the sectoral area of water bodies quality control and monitoring and discharge management [LA-AIG] in the action fields LAR and LAE-A. Authorized by the General Directorate of Environmental Quality of the Department of Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat of Catalunya. Cert. number: 049-LA-AIG. [Download]
  • Laboratory in the sectoral area of waste and leachate control and characterization [LA-RES]. Authorized by the General Directorate of Environmental Quality of the Ministry of Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat of Catalunya. Cert. number: 049-LA-RES-R. [Download]
  • Control and Sampling Entity in the sectoral area of soil pollution prevention [EC-SOL] in the action field EC-SOL-I (Research) and EC-SOL-PD (Decontamination projects). Authorized by the General Directorate of Environmental Quality of the Ministry of Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat of Catalunya. Cert. number: 049-EC-SOL [Download]
  • Collaborating entity (Test Laboratory) of Hydraulic Administration, Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine. File num.: EC039/1 and 2
  • Collaborating entity (Inspection Organism) of Hydraulic Administration, Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine. File num.: EC 039/1 y 2
  • Recognized by Castilla y León Government, Department of Development and Environment, to act as Control Organism (OCA) in Autonomous Community of Castilla y León related with emission inspections from stationary sources and waste waters. Assays: Waste waters test, leachate, sediments, wastes, sludge, inland waters and emissions from stationary sources
  • Recognized by the Ministry of Environment, Territory and Infrastructure of the Xunta de Galicia to act as Control Organization (OCA) in the Autonomous Community of Galicia. Inspection areas according to accreditation ENAC 29 / EI432 [Download] and Test according to accreditation ENAC 479 / LE1035
  • The registration of collaborators on Environmental Quality (OCA) of the Andalucía Autonomous Comunity. Inspection areas as accreditation ENAC 29/EI432 and Test according to ENAC 479/ LE1035. Fields of activity presented in the annex to resolution. Inscription num.: REC83
  • The registration of collaborators on Environmental Quality (OCA) of the Valencia Community. Inspection areas accreditation according to ENAC 29/EI432 and Test according to ENAC 479/ LE1035 accreditation. Fields of activity presented in the annex to resolution. Inscription num.: 075/ECMCA
  • Laboratory registration Catalonia Agro-food Laboratories of the Agriculture Department, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and Environment as registered laboratory for products of the sectors contained in the registration number. Nº 252
  • Laboratory registration Catalonia Agro-food Laboratories of the Agriculture Department, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and Environment as accredited laboratory for products of the sectors contained in the registration number. Nº 151
  • Foodstuff testing laboratories registration in Madrid Community. EXTE: 131-2/12
  • Members of