Metocean and Environment

Environmental Baseline Study surveys determine the characterization of an area prior the development of a project and establish the initial environmental status. Environmental Impact Assessment is the procedure to predict, minimize, measure and, if necessary, correct and compensate the impacts produced by any human action. This requires a high degree of understanding of both the impact of the receiving environment and the process that produces it.

Tecnoambiente has the experience, knowledge and necessary resources to measure and evaluate the environment conditions at project locations and predict the effects produced on this environment.  

  • Environmental Baselines Studies
  • Risk assessment
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Specific environmental studies
  • Electromagnetic fields measurement
  • Acoustic monitoring (PAM)
  • Marine Mammals Observing
  • Commercial diving
  • Biological communities sampling and characterization
  • Ecosystems description and characterization
  • Real time monitoring for physicochemical parameters
  • Protected species and habitats managing
  • Fisheries and aquaculture
  • Habitats restoration
  • Biological mapping
  • Numerical Modelling (Brine, thermal, pollutants dispersion, oil spills, TSS plumes, floods,...)
  • Hydrodynamic studies (currents, tides,..)
  • Sea climate and Coastal dynamics
  • Mooring equipment and Data buoys
  • Beacon systems design and installation

As a complement to guarantee our commitment to quality, safety and health and the environment in our daily activities and supporting our SHEQ policy, we work in accordance with the ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015 and ISO 45001: 2018 certifications. These standards are managed in our integrated quality, health and safety and environmental management system which covers all our activities:

  • UNE-EN-ISO14001:2015. Certificate number 44 104 117217   
  • UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015. Certificate number 44 100 117217
  • UNE- EN-ISO 45001:2018. Certificate number 44 126 117217

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